September 8-11, 2024 | Mystic, Connecticut

The 2024 Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference (NETWC) was held September 8 – 11 at the Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa in Mystic, CT. The event was hosted by Connecticut Department of Transportation.
CONFERENCE THEME: Small Scale, Large Victories: Collaborating with Partners for Transportation Improvements Yields Cumulative Wildlife Benefits
The challenge of sustaining wildlife throughout a fragmented landscape is being met with historic support for increasing habitat connectivity, and passage. Transportation agencies can affect landscape level change when collaborating with state, local, non-profit, and academic partners as multiple projects over time can result in substantial habitat improvements. NETWC 2024 brings together a community of ecologists, planners, engineers, administrators, regulators, and researchers in transportation to harness opportunities for implementing pro-wildlife infrastructure solutions.
CONFERENCE THEME: Small Scale, Large Victories: Collaborating with Partners for Transportation Improvements Yields Cumulative Wildlife Benefits
The challenge of sustaining wildlife throughout a fragmented landscape is being met with historic support for increasing habitat connectivity, and passage. Transportation agencies can affect landscape level change when collaborating with state, local, non-profit, and academic partners as multiple projects over time can result in substantial habitat improvements. NETWC 2024 brings together a community of ecologists, planners, engineers, administrators, regulators, and researchers in transportation to harness opportunities for implementing pro-wildlife infrastructure solutions.
Conference AnnouncementsJoin our mailing list to receive an email update when information is available about our 2026 Conference! This event is held every 2 years; there will be no event in 2025. |